That’s it!

Award-winning solutions for every need and budget


Antivirus & Malware Protection

A comprehensive, multi-vector endpoint

security solution backed by the most-

powerful threat intelligence architecture in

the world.

Learn more


Spam & Anti-Phishing

The industry’s most-awarded anti-spam

and anti-phishing email security solution

that stops the threat before it reaches your


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Internet & DNS Filtering

Stop up to 90% of internet-based threats

before they ever reach your network by

blocking malicious and compromised


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Security Awareness Training

Strengthen the weakest link in the security

chain with interactive online training, face-

to-face policy training, and real-world


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Email Encryption & Compliance

Send highly-sensitive client and patient

information via end-to-end encrypted email

with the simple click of a “Send Secure”


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Firewall & IPS

Proactively block targeted attacks before

they enter your network with an industry-

leading intrusion prevention system and


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Company Overview

Cybersecurity is a top priority for organizations that manage private information. Any business, big or small, can fall victim to a cyberattack, and it can cost you your loyal customers, savings, and even your company’s existence.

Multi-Vector Security

New cyberattacks have become more dangerous by infiltrating a combination of vulnerabilities, making a single point of protection inadequate in stopping each attack.

A Multi-Vector Security strategy from Digital Boardwalk will protect your business on several fronts. We offer a plethora of technologies that defend you against the latest threats including endpoint security, perimeter security, email security, internet security, intrusion prevention systems, cybersecurity awareness training, and more.

Monitoring is Key

Technology is anything but “set it and forget it.” This is especially true with cybersecurity. Our security operations center monitors your technology 24/7, proactively stopping threats before they impact your business. Hackers never sleep, and neither do we.

Regulatory Compliance

Does achieving compliance with HIPAA, SOX, PCI-DSS, and other government mandates seem overwhelming? Digital Boardwalk has over a decade of experience helping businesses increase their security posture and attest their compliance to some of the strictest regulations in the industry. Our team of compliance experts will help you conduct risk assessments, implement security controls, and provide ongoing monitoring and maintenance to maintain your compliance.

It’s time you put the right team behind you

Start with our free, no obligations consultation
and technology assessment.